Additional thoughts on the orange bathroom
The orange bathroom idea is appealing more, especially as it has gotten tentative spousal approval.

If the world was crazy, you know what I'd eat? My own interpretations and reactions to a crazy world.
The orange bathroom idea is appealing more, especially as it has gotten tentative spousal approval.
So today my brain is thinking about decorating the bathroom. I know, you want to see a picture of it, but that requires being home during daylight, so some patience will be required.
So you've probably noticed that I haven't blogged in a while. Actually, all 3 of my readers outside of immediate family have probably given up on me. But in a vain attempt to restart this blog, I'm going to share what I have been doing.
Next item is a sofa. Many have been viewed, and we came up with some basic criteria: No back cushions (upholstered back only) to avoid children and cats nesting on them and squishing them. One or two seat cushions, not three. And not too blocky and modern. There are a lot of very square sofas out there right now that really would not work in the new house.
Current candidate is from Pottery Barn: