lemonade sandwich

If the world was crazy, you know what I'd eat? My own interpretations and reactions to a crazy world.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Random thoughts

I don't have any photos of my recent projects due to a lack of desire to spend time on the computer at home, and forgetting to take some pictures while there is still natural light. Instead, I offer today's random thoughts:

1. Yippee! I am getting a package with a lovely homemade bag sometime in the near future thanks to Ellen. Don't you wish you had added a comment to her blog now?

2. We've been reading a lot of children's books over and over again, not uncommon with a 2 year old in the house. But doing so has generated some questions in my mind that really can't be shared while reading the stories, but keep bugging me.
a) What is the deal with Madeline? Who are these 12 girls? Is it a boarding school, an orphanage, or what? One of the books (where Madeline has her appendix out) makes a reference to gifts from Papa, but he never appears again. I mean, she runs away to join the gypsies and no one but Miss Clavell seems concerned.
b) Who else thinks that Lily's parents are surprised to discover that Mr. Slinger is straight? When Lily tells them he is getting married, they react only with the comments "Really?" sev eral times.
c) Curious George has so many issues I don't know where to begin. But aside from all of the animal issues, let's just sum it up by saying - who puts someone in jail for calling the fire department by mistake?

I guess those are the only issues I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Back to craft projects soon.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Still here

I know its been a while...

The end of summer/vaction/start of school year took its toll for a while, and my project output dropped dramatically. But I did finish a few things that I will show off now!

The giraffe from one of the Japanese craft books that I can't identify at the moment. I started him ages ago, but I admit that he was not bery attractive in process. But I finally decided to finish him, and the facial features make a huge difference and I find him quite adorable now.

The bunny did not come out as well as I hoped. I had some issues with the darts in his head that I think I sewed wrong, and his embroidered face is a bit goofy.

From an evening where I just needed to do something small and non-mess-upable (yes, that is a word in my universe)I altered a few photos that I have kicking around. I took a really enjoyable class from Karen Michel a while back and its really fun to scratch, color and otherwise abuse a photo to make it your own. I had spent some time looking for interesting photo sites a while back with public domain photos and had printed a few and then hid them away, so this was just waiting for some abuse. I like it, but I'm not sure what I will do with it.

One more, but I didn't make these. I picked them up at an estate sale next door. An odd thing, going to the estate sale of someone you know a little bit. I don't know who played with this dollhouse furniture, but I just loved the bird cage. Michelle got totally obsessed with wanting to play with it, and then I realized that the soft metal it was made of was probably lead, and not really an appropriate toy! I let her play with them briefly and then we "traded" them for other dollhouse pieces that I had tucked away. They are now safely hidden in my studio, and I hope to use them myself in some project that will not be a toddler interactive item.